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Return Policy

All returned items must be back within 14 business days.

Exchanges: We do not offer exchanges, because we can not guarantee your size is will be in stock.

Non-returnable items
Accessories/hats/hygiene products/eyewear. Due to hygienic purposes, there will be no exceptions on these items.
Items returned that are over the 14 business days allotted.

Steps to Return Items

Make sure all items you are returning follow the guidelines of the return policy.

Ship back using whichever shipping method you prefer, since you will be covering shipping costs. (we do not cover shipping costs)

Please send returns to:
1204 Main St. Suite 607
Branford CT. 06405

Contact: 1-203-763-1143

Washing Instructions

Wash in cold water inside out. No bleach or bleach alternatives Dry/iron low heat inside out.

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